The United Nations (UN)

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization of countries created to promote world peace and cooperation. It was founded after World War II, leaders of Britain, the United States, France, the Soviet Union and China (the Big Five) in San Francisco, USA to draw up a charter for the United Nations Organizations.

The United Nations (UN)
The United Nations (UN) Logo
  • The United Nations came into being on 24th October 1945.
  • It brings together all countries of the world, regardless of their economic, social and political status.
  • Zambia became a member on 1 December 1964
  • Today, there are 192 members of the United Nations.

Functions of the UN

  • Maintaining international peace and security
  • Save future generations from the horror of war
  • Ensure that men and women have equal right
  • Economic and social advancement of all peoples
  • Promotion of human rights and the dignity and worth of all people

Structure of the UN

General Assembly:

The General Assembly is the Parliament of the UN. The 192 member states meet in the General Assembly and vote on important issues such as international peace.

  1. Each member country has a single vote
  2. It also controls the finances of the organization

Security Council:

  1. It is responsible for maintaining peace and tries to settle conflicts that threaten international security.
  2. The council has just 15 members, there are permanent five members: China, France, Russian Federation, UK and United States.
  3. It is based at the United Nations Headquarters


  1. This is the Civil Service of the UN. The head of the Secretariat is the Secretary General, who is appointed by the General Assembly for a term of five years.
  2. It carries out the decisions of the UN and advises the Secretary General on world problems.
  3. The Secretary General may bring any matter to the security that seems likely to threaten international peace.

International Court of Justice:

  1. This is the main judicial organ of the UN. It is made up of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council for a term of nine years.
  2. The court sits at The Hague in Holland. It has two jobs to settle disputes and to give advice to other UN organs and agencies.

Trusteeship Council:

  1. The main function of this Council was to promote the development of self-government of territories. These territories were mainly former colonies of European nations, all of which are now independent.

Economic and Social Council:

  1. The General Assembly elects members of this council. It is made up of 54 member nations that serve three-year terms (18 members are elected per year.
  2. The council deals with issues of economic and social concern.
NoNameCountry of originTook officeLeft office
2TrygveNorway2 Feb 194610 Nov 1952
3Dag HammarskjoldSweden10 April 195318 Sept 1961
4Myint-U ThantMyanmar30 Nov 196131 Dec 1971
5Kurt WaldheimAustria1 January 197231 Dec 1981
6Javier Perez de CuellarPeru1 January 198231 Dec 1991
7Boutros Boutras- GaliEgypt1 January 199231 Dec 1996
8Kofi AnnanGhana1 January 199731 Dec 2006
9Ban Ki-moonSouth Korea1 January 200731 Dec 2016
10AntónioGuterresPortugal1 January 2017Incumbent
Secretary Generals of the United Nations


  1. Peacekeeping: The UN tries to maintain peace by preventing ear or separating warring parties.
  2. Humanitarian work: The UN has looked after refugees from war-torn countries such as the DRC, Angola, Sudan etc. it also provide emergency relief in form of food, water, shelter and medicine to disaster victims.
  3. Education: the UN has undertaken programmes to improve the provision of education especially for Children in poor children.
  4. Health: UN health agencies work to promote and protect good health worldwide
  5. Agriculture: the UN funds programmes to ensure food security by increasing food production through improve farming methods and irrigation.

Specialized agencies of the UN

The World Health Organisation (WHO)

Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

  • Works towards the highest level of health care for the greatest number of people.
  • Coordinates research in fields such as drug and alcohol abuse, primary health care, and nutrition.
  • Improves sanitation and hygiene in developing countries.

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Headquarters: Rome, Italy

  • Inform, advises and promotes scientific research
  • Assists agricultural development in developing countries.
  • Controls the flow of food aid to Asian and African countries.
  • Raises nutritional levels and standards of living.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

  • Raises world standards of working conditions
  • Creates greater employment opportunities for women and men
  • Aims to get rid of social injustices for all working people.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

  • Assists developing nations with things such as vaccination programmes and relief services.
  • Aims to decrease infant mortality by two thirds, and reduce the frequency of respiratory illnesses and dysentery
  • Runs campaigns to prevent child prostitution, trafficking in children, and illegal child labour

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Headquarters: Paris, France

  • Aims to bring peace and security to the world
  • Promotes peace and tolerance between different nations
  • Strives to achieve access to quality education for all children
  • Encouraging scientific cooperation between nations

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Headquarters: Washington DC

  • Promotes international monetary cooperation and exchange rate stability
  • Works to assist the growth of international trade, and to reduce poverty
  • Lends money to members that have balance of payment difficulties

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