• Swamps are wetland areas, usually found near lakes or rivers.
  • These are land areas that are not totally under water as in the lakes or rivers themselves, but they remain wet and soggy all year round.
  • Trees and other plants such as reeds grow very well in these swamps, and they provide a home to a large variety of birdlife and other animals.
  • Swamps act like giant sponges that trap water, while at the same time the act like filters to purify the water.

Examples of swamps found in Zambia.

• Bangweulu swamp
• Lukanga swamp
• Mweru-Wa-Ntipa swamp
• Luena flats
• Kashiji plains

Swamps of Zambia. A map showing drainage pattern of Zambia

A map showing drainage pattern of Zambia.


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