Civic Education

Mining in Zambia. Benefits and Methods

Uncover the fascinating world of mining in Zambia, from traditional methods to the latest developments. Learn about the abundant minerals shaping the nation’s economy.

• Mining is the process of extracting minerals such as coal and copper
• Examples of minerals mined in Zambia are copper, zinc and lead, coal and manganese

Mining in Zambia. Methods and Towns

History of mining in Zambia

• The mining industry in Zambia started in 1899, when an expedition led by George Grey discovered the first copper deposits at Kansanshi
• The first mining activities started at Bwana Mkubwa in Ndola in 1909.

Methods of Mining in Zambia

Open cast mining method

• It is done where the mineral ores are found near to surface of the earth

Advantages of open pit mining

• It is cheaper because it does not require heavy and sophisticated machinery


• It poses a danger to the environment. The mining may get flooded
• Humans or people are also displaced when such mines are opened
• Pollutes surface water and underground
• Causes landslides

Nchanga Open Pit Copper Mine in Chingola is the second largest open-pit in the world.

Underground mining or shaft mining

  • It is done when the minerals are found very deep underground

Disadvantages of underground mining in Zambia

  • It is too expensive because it uses expensive and heavy machines Examples of underground mines
  • Most of the mining towns have shaft mine like Nkana mine in Kitwe, Konkola mine in Chililabombwe and Mufulira mine in Mufulira.

Note: Mufulira Mine in Zambia is the largest underground mine in Zambia.

Importance of mining in Zambia

• It has created employment to most Zambians
• Encourages tourism and investment
• It boosts the economy of Zambia
• It brings foreign exchange to the country. Copper/cobalt export contributes 75% of the export earnings
• It improves the standards of living of people in a country
• It leads to improvement of infrastructure e.g roads, houses, hospitals etc


  • Ndola – Bwana mukubwa mine
  • Mufulira – Mufulira plant
  • Kitwe – Nkana mine
  • Luanshya – Baluba mine
  • Chambeshi – Chambeshi mine
  • Chililabombwe – Konkola mine
  • Solwezi – Lumwana mine
  • Mansa – Manganese and is not in operation
  • Maamba -Maamba coal
  • Chilanga -limestone

Trade and Marketing

  • Copper is sometimes sold and used locally
  • Sometime it is sold to Europe and Japan
  • Copper is exported to other countries using TAZARA railway line, Great North road and Zambia Railways

Recent development in mining sector

• The MMD government introduced the structural adjustment programme (SAP) to privatize the mines
• Privatization of mines led to the resuscitation of some closed mines

Results of Privatisation of Mines

• Many people have lost employment and it has brought suffering on many Zambians
• Vandalism of infrastructure and facilities has reduced the life span of most mines
• Many mines have tuned into white elephants
• Most of the miners have not received their packages

Governments’ Efforts to Boost Mining in Zambia

  • Protect the local companies and industries by reducing taxes and support them with loans
  • Scrutinizing the investors who are coming in Zambia and making sure that they followed rules
  • Passing the environment protection and pollution act which led to the formation of the environmental council of Zambia
  • Formation of the environmental council of Zambia controls the environmental pollution Major minerals mined in Zambia


Zambia is the largest producer of copper in Africa and seventh in the World.

• It is used for making electric wires
• It is used for making water pipes
• Used also for making car radiators
• It is used for making bullets and ornamental things


• It is obtained as a by-product of a number of minerals
• It used to make cutting tools and magnets
• Cobalt has many industrial uses, especially in dykes
• Cobalt produces a bright blue colour that is used in glass and ceramics


• Coal is used to generate heat and electricity


The lead mine was found in Kabwe but it has been closed. At first mining in Zambia was done using open cast mining method and the later it was done using underground mining method. The mine was closed in 1994 due to depletion of the ores

  • Lead is used for making plates of electric storage batteries
  • Lead is used as protective shield against radiation
  • Lead is used in covering cables in white lead acid for paint, bullets and for roofing materials
  • Lead is used as an alloy
  • Zinc is soft, white metal which resists fats and is malleable
  • Zinc is used in alloys of brass

Limestone mining in Zambia

  • Large deposits are found around Lusaka and in the southern part of Central Province
  • It is a white mineral used in manufacture of cement: Limestone and clay are crushed and mixed with water and then burnt in a large oven. A mineral called gypsum is added and the mixture is crushed to fine powder. The powder is cement which is used in the building industry

Precious Stones found in Zambia include: Emeralds, Amethyst, Aquamarine and Diamond.

Impact of mining on the environment

  • Land degradation. It means that the quality of land declines.
  • Displacement of people and animals where mines are opened
  • Deforestation due to clearing of land before mining starts and where mine dumps are
  • Loss of biodiversity. Some animal and trees species become extinct when large areas are cleared.
  • Pollution of soil and groundwater due to high concentration of toxic chemicals from mines.
  • Air and noise pollution, heavy equipment used in mining especially in open-pit mining causes noise pollution

Effect of Pollution on health

  • Sulphur dioxide in the air around mines can get into the lungs and cause respiratory diseases.
  • Lead and arsenic pollution causes infertility and miscarriages in pregnant women, skin problems, and decreased immunity.

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