General Exam Prep

Location of Commercial farms in Zambia

Where is the Location of Commercial farms in Zambia? Read on to find the answer as you prepare for your test or exam or simply improve your knowledge about the Zambian Geography.

Most commercial farms are located in the following areas:

  • Along the line of rail: Areas near Livingstone, Choma, Monze, Mazabuka, Lusaka,
  • Kabwe, Mkushi and also Copperbelt.
  • Eastern Province from Petauke through Chipata to Lundazi.
  • Reasons why commercial farms are located along the line of rail
  • The presence of large urban market e.g. Copperbelt and Lusaka has large number of people which translate into high demand for agricultural goods.
  • There is suitable climate for farming as the areas experience moderate temperatures of between 15°C to 24°C and an average rainfall of about 1000mm. This type of climate is ideal for human settlement.
  • Much of the line of rail is a plateau and free from tsetse flies.
  • The soil along the line of rail is fertile as the area has loam soils.
  • Availability of Hydro-Electric Power reduces the cost of farm production.
  • There is availability of cheap railway transport.

Reasons why some commercial farms are located in Eastern Province from Petauke to Lundazi.

• Soils in Eastern Province are fairly fertile rich in humus.
• Road transport network is also fairly good as most roads can be used throughout the year.
• There is ready market.
• Favorable rainfall.

Environmental impact of commercial farming

• Pollution through the use of chemicals
• Increased soil erosion
• Deforestation
• Displacement of people and animals

Revision questions

  1. State the importance of farming.
  2. Give the characteristics of small scale farming.
  3. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of chitemene system of farming.
  4. List different types of farming systems.
  5. What are the characteristics of estate farming?
  6. What are the problems facing agriculture
  7. Explain the efforts of the government to boost agriculture in the country.

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