Importance of a Constitution

In terms of Importance of a Constitution, the constitution of a country has many important functions, which will be developed in this post.

Importance of a Constitution
Importance of a Constitution

The Importance of a Constitution

Supreme law of the land:

•It is the highest law of the land.
•Any law that is in conflict with the constitution is a bad law and should be amended.

Structure of government:

  • It defines the powers and functions of government, and how the government may make new laws.
  • This means it provides the legal framework for governing a country.
  • The government must operate within the powers and functions defined in the Constitution.
  • In other words, the constitution protects democratic principles and ideals.

Human rights

  • The constitution outlines the fundamental human rights.
  • No new law may contravene these rights.
  • A good constitution should embrace all citizens, regardless of their status in society.
  • It should protect and promote rights and freedoms of individuals, groups and communities in the country.


  • Along with our rights, we have responsibilities.
  • The constitution can also clarify the responsibilities of its citizens.

Vision and Ideas

  • A constitution inspires and provides a country with a clear vision on which way the country should move.
  • It provides ideas, inspirations, expectations and sense of direction for the country.
  • These may include political ideas such as stability, peace, security, and economic and social development.

Sources of a Constitution

  • These sources may include past and present Constitutions;
  • Constitutions of other countries
  • The way of life in the country, including values, needs, aspirations, expectations and ideas of local people
  • Past events and experiences of the country.

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