Identifying cultural features on a map.

Geography studies two important themes which are people and place. The two are represented on a map using two groups of map symbols which are physical or natural features and cultural features or man made features.

a)Natural features such as landforms and drainage which occur without the influence of people.
b)Cultural features such as roads, rail lines, bridges and buildings which occur with the influence of man. They show evidence of the influence of people on the landscape.

Settlement studies

•A settlement is a place where people live
•A human settlement is defined as a place inhabited more or less permanently
•It includes the temporary camps of the hunters and herders
•Settlements differ from place to place to the other e.g. settlements in towns differ from those in rural areas

The following are the types of settlement:

1. Dispersed or isolated settlement: This is the type of settlement where individual buildings lie isolated or part from one another.

•This type of settlement is mostly common in rural areas where the population is sparse

Cultural features on a Map: Dispersed or isolated settlement Pattern
Dispersed or isolated settlement Pattern

2. Nucleated or clustered settlement: these are settlement arranged in such a way that there are a number of houses close together

• In these settlements there are social amenities such as shops, schools, places of worship etc.

Nucleated settlement Pattern as cultural features on a map
Nucleated settlement Pattern as cultural features on a map

3. Linear settlement: This is the type settlement where buildings are built in a line along a road, river or stream
• This type of settlement is usually planned

Linear settlement Pattern
Linear settlement Pattern

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