Attributes of Bad Governance (Poor Governance)

Bad governance is governance by a government which is illegitimate, incompetent, and unacceptable and does not respect human rights and the rule of law.

It is governance by a government which rules against the wishes of the majority. Dictatorship is a form of bad governance.
However, bad governance can also be practised by a democratically elected government.

Attributes of Bad Governance
Attributes of Bad Governance

Characteristics of Bad Governance

Restriction of political activities

  • The government or the party in power restricts the activities of the opposition parties. People are forced to vote for certain candidates whenever elections are held.
  • Therefore, people’s choices are not real, due to threats.
  • Opposition parties are not allowed to exist.

Lack of Separation of Powers

  • This is when political power is concentrated in the hands of one person or a few people.
  • These interfere with the organs of government, for instance, the Executive may interfere with the operations of the Judiciary and the Legislature.

Lack of Press Freedom

The press is controlled by government and often reports favourably on government policies even when the said policies are not good.

Opposing or dissenting views are not allowed in government owned media.

Violation of Human Rights

  • There is no respect for human rights.
  • People who oppose government can be tortured and detained without trial or can be killed.

Judiciary not Independent

  • The Judiciary is not independent of the Executive and the Legislature.
  • There is little respect for the rule of law and there is no fair trial.
  • Court decisions are not always respected.
  • Leaders can interfere with court proceedings without being punished by the law.

Irregular and Unfair Elections

• Elections are not held regularly. When held, they are not free and fair. There is vote rigging.

Lack of Citizen Participation

  • The government decides for the people.
  • People become servants instead of masters of the government.
  • The Government claims to know what is good for the people.
  • The people are rarely consulted and their concerns are often ignored

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